
Fibromyalgia is a common pain condition in which the main symptoms include aching or muscular pain in multiple areas of the body, and fatigue all of which can be severe.  Fibromyalgia tends to be more predominant in women than in men; the most common onset is at ages 20 - 50 years old. The symptoms usually onset after a stressful event. A fibromyalgia diagnosis is commonly made through a process of eliminating other conditions resulting in many doctors appointments and medical tests which can be extremely frustrating. Additional symptoms include: lack of energy, trouble sleeping, depression, anxiety, and memory or trouble concentrating “fibro-fog.”

Our fibromyalgia program initially helps to reduce the most significant symptoms utilizing therapeutic massage, mobilization, ultrasound, heat, contrast heat/cold and electrical stimulation. Gentle movement becomes important as symptoms are reduced to help improve circulation, metabolism and detoxification, all of which help with fibromyalgia. In addition, mindfulness and meditation is addressed to help with stress management.  There are common postural patterns that present with those suffering with fibromyalgia and other chronic fatigue syndromes. Addressing the posture allows for the body systems to function better helping to improve not only the pain but many of the other symptoms that occur.

At Realign by Randee we understand the complexity of this condition and are here to help you find the aspect of care within posture therapy, physical therapy and other services to help address symptoms and root causes. With this condition each person presents uniquely and needs their own individualized treatment to help maximize improvement and recovery or rehabilitation. Having a comprehensive treatment which includes posture, strengthening, and cardiovascular exercises can help your body to receive and send neuromuscular signaling more efficiently without provoking the onset of muscular pain. Regardless of where you are on your journey, it is possible to have relief from your worst symptoms. Chronic conditions can really slow or interfere with your daily life. Our team at Realign by Randee understands the discouragement that can result when diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and we look forward to determining the best course of treatment 

Come down to Realign by Randee in Weston, FL, and experience an overall improved physical, and mental health. If you are located in the South Florida area, we welcome you to come to Realign by Randee in person, but some of our treatment options are available through zoom and can be addressed from anywhere in the world. We also have classes that focus on posture and alignment, contact us to sign up!